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How Many Foreigners Live in Asahikawa?

As part of our research on Asahikawa real estate, we present data on the number of foreigners living in Asahikawa, and which country these foreigners have come from.

The Population of Asahikawa is 99.5% Japanese

Asahikawa’s population is 320,436, making it the second largest city in Hokkaido. Of that population, approximately 1,576 residents are foreigners.

The percentage of foreigners is only 0.5%. However, since the foreign population has been increasing and the Japanese population has been decreasing, this is more than double the percentage compared to a decade ago.

Population of Foreigners in Asahikawa, by Year

Below is data for the population of foreigners living in Asahikawa.

YearForeigners Living in Asahikawa% of Total Population

Source: City of Asahikawa

This is data representing only the foreign population of Asahikawa. More complete Asahikawa population statistics are covered in a separate report.

Asahikawa’s Population by Country of Origin

Of the foreigners living in Hokkaido, the largest populations are typically people from other Asian countries. This trend is also true for Asahikawa, where 91% of the foreign-born population have immigrated from other parts of Asia. Out of the total foreign-born population, the top three countries of origin are Vietnam, China, and Korea, with those immigrants representing 26%, 13%, and 11% of the total Asahikawa foreigner population.

In an original interview conducted with the Hakodate government, local officials told us that many of the Vietnamese are short-term residents, and are participants of the technical training programs held in more remote cities. There is also data that the Vietnamese are the fastest growing foreign population in Japan, increasing 10X in population between 2010 and 2020.

As for the “western,” English-speaking countries, 2.8% of the foreign population in Asahikawa is from the United States, 0.9% from the United Kingdom, and 0.6% each from Canada and Australia.

Local Asahikawa Real Estate Agents

While it is a smaller city, there is some demand for property in Asahikawa (and for property in Furano, which is nearby). We also receive regular requests from clients that want an apartment for rent in Asahikawa. We have good contacts in the area, and we are happy to introduce you to local Asahikawa real estate agents.

For free introductions to local real estate agents in Asahikawa, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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For More Information:

— Research on Asahikawa House Prices
— Our post on The Average Price of an Apartment in Asahikawa
— Details on the Land Prices in Asahikawa
Population of Asahikawa, Japan
— Complete Sapporo Population Statistics report
— Recent data on the Population of Niseko and Foreign Populations Living in Niseko
— The Population of Otaru
International Schools in Sapporo
— Find Lawyers in Hokkaido
— Our Taxes in Japan page
Buying Property in Hokkaido as a Foreigner
Videos of Skiing in Niseko and other Hokkaido ski resort

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