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Average Price for Land in Asahikawa

Some of our clients consider buying property in Asahikawa, and in the process we sometimes receive requests for data about Asahikawa land prices.

In this article we will present the average cost of land in Asahikawa, and compare those prices to land prices in Sapporo, Niseko, Hakodate, and Otaru.

Asahikawa Land Price per Square Meter

How much is land in Asahikawa?

The average price for land in Asahikawa is ¥20,700 per square meter (as of mid-2024).

For comparison, the average price for land in Sapporo is closer to ¥110,800 per square meter – or almost five times more expensive than Asahikawa. Asahikawa is a significant city, but as the population of Asahikawa has been declining, the demand for Asahikawa property is not particularly strong.

Land Prices in Asahikawa are Stable

Hokkaido has been recently seeing an upwards trend in average land price, including in popular cities like Sapporo. Asahikawa land prices have remained mostly unchanged for the last decade, but have shown some slight increases in value in recent years.

The average price for Asahikawa land had actually been slowly decreasing since the year 2000; there had not been a single year that prices went upwards until 2022. For the decade starting at 2014, land prices were stagnant, decreasing only slightly at an average pace of -0.5% per year. However, in 2022, Asahikawa land prices went up by 0.4%, and in 2023 and 2024, prices went upwards by 0.7%. This increase in values is a positive trend, a good sign for the real estate market in Asahikawa.

Other cities in Hokkaido have better statistics, as many cities are showing substantial real estate appreciation. The price of land in Niseko gained 4.7% in 2022. The price of land in Sapporo was up 15.0% in 2022. For the same year, land prices for Obihiro were up 9.8% and the city of Teine had gains of 22.1%. See our recent post for more details on land prices in Sapporo and related cities.

Why Buy Land in Asahikawa?

In addition to Asahikawa houses for sale, land is also for sale in Asahikawa.

Asahikawa, like much of Hokkaido, is known for exceptional access to nature.

Close to nature, with an abundance of activities: 10 ski resorts and nine golf courses within an hour of the city and its suburbs, cycling courses departing and arriving at Asahikawa Station, and a wealth of activities in the nature-filled northern Hokkaido region.
— From our interview with the City of Asahikawa

In addition to a real downtown, and excellent medical services, there is also a university in Asahikawa that draws students and visitors. The proximity to Furano is another reason why clients might ask for property in Asahikawa.

Real Estate Agents in Asahikawa

There are some local real estate agents in Asahikawa.

If you want to rent an apartment in Asahikawa or want to inquire about buying a house or about the price for a condominium in Asahikawa, we make person-to-person introductions to Asahikawa real estate agents. We have several, experienced agents in our network that can offer specific, local advice about Asahikawa real estate. For an introduction to an Asahikawa real estate broker, contact us anytime.

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For More Information:

— Recent data on Housing Prices in Asahikawa
— Our report on The Average Cost to Rent an Apartment in Asahikawa
— Current detail on the Asahikawa Population Statistics (by year)
— Appreciation in Sapporo Land Prices
— The Cost to Buy Land in Niseko
— Our post on The cost of Land in Hakodate
Buying Property in Hokkaido as a Foreigner
— Find Lawyers in Hokkaido
— Our Taxes in Japan page
— The best Books about Japanese Real Estate
— Our list of the Hokkaido Snowboarding Videos

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